Visit the Filming Locations from Hocus Pocus – Pt. 1
In honor of another quickly-approaching Halloween season, I wanted to dedicate this week’s post to the real-life filming locations from Hocus Pocus! (Even more specifically, the Los Angeles filming locations from Hocus Pocus). But first, I have a confession to make. Up until about a week ago, I had actually never seen the 1993 cult classic (which honestly, is kind of astounding given my love for Bette Midler and Sarah Jessica Parker). Sure, I’ve known of it. And from what I could gather, it was clearly about 3 witches. (I mean, duh.) But, you guys, now that I’ve actually seen it myself, I SO get the hype! And I want in on the fandom.
So I was thinking, what better way to do that, than cart myself all over Los Angeles to visit the real-life shooting locations? Yes, I know… it was only partly shot here. (As most movies are). The other half of production took place in Salem, MA (just as the film suggests). And while I wish I could hop on a plane and hit those spots up too, for now I’m going to have to settle for what I’ve got.
So without further ado, I bring you the Los Angeles filming locations from Hocus Pocus.
Hocus Pocus Shooting Locations in Los Angeles
Trick or Treating Scenes – Friends Avenue
Address: 6536 Friends Avenue & 6546 Friends Avenue, Whittier, CA
Details: Residential addresses. If you visit, be respectful and do not trespass.
Believe it or not, but most of the trick or treating scenes in Hocus Pocus took place in a residential neighborhood in Whittier, CA! If you look carefully at the numbers above the doorways, you can actually get an address! The most popular destination for Hocus Pocus fans is the “Devil’s” house at 6536 Friends Avenue. This private residence was built in 1911 and is actually one of Whittier’s historic homes.
Friends Avenue featured in Hocus Pocus -
Historic home on Friends Avenue in Whittier, CA
Jacob Bailey High School (Interior Scenes) – East Whittier Middle School
Address: 14421 Whittier Boulevard, Whittier, CA
Details: Public school in Whittier, CA. I would not recommend going without an appointment.
While the exterior shots of Jacob Bailey High School were all filmed in Salem, the interior scenes were shot at East Whittier Middle School in Whittier, CA. It’s quite common for film and television shows to film on location at various schools throughout California during the summer months when school isn’t in session. If you look at the photos below you can see some of the exact school rooms used in Hocus Pocus.
Interior of East Whittier Middle School -
Interior of East Whittier Middle School as seen in Hocus Pocus
Alison’s House (Interior Scene) – Crank House
Address: 2186 Crary St. Altadena, CA
Details: Private Residence
The Crank House is another famous Los Angeles film location. (Most notably Hocus Pocus, Matilda, Scream 2, and Catch Me if You Can). This 1882 Victorian style home was put on the National Register of Historic Places in 1997. Unfortunately, the house is still privately owned so there is no way to tour the interior without being invited inside. I will be keeping an eye on the situation and updating this if/when house tours become available.
Crank House used in Hocus Pocus -
As seen in Scream 2 -
As seen in Catch Me If You Can
Additional Exterior Shots – Warner Bros Ranch
Address: 411 North Hollywood Way, Burbank, CA
Details: Call (818) 977-5232 to make an appointment
The last location on our list is the Warner Bros Ranch studio lot. Getting to step foot onto this set is a very SPECIAL experience. There are usually only a handful of ways on (via a location scout, private event, or special event ticket.) If you DO manage to get yourself on the lot, then you’ll find yourself amongst several memorable facades (including the fountain from Friends and the Griswold house from Christmas Vacation).
Warner Bros Ranch used in Hocus Pocus -
Warner Bros Ranch
The Witches House – Spadena House
Address: 516 Walden Dr, Beverly Hills, CA
Details: Private property, exterior photos only
While this house wasn’t actually in Hocus Pocus (the Sanderson Sisters’ cottage was, in fact, filmed entirely on a soundstage), it’s become Los Angeles’s resident “Witches House”. This famous landmark is located in Beverly Hills, CA and has been around since the 1920s. It was originally built as an office for Irvin Willat’s (famous director from the silent film era) film studio but was quickly converted into a private family residence and sold to the Spadena family in 1926 (hence its name). What connects this unique home to the Disney world is that historians have called it a precursor to Walt Disney’s concept of Imagineering (whereby conceptual environments are built out in their entirety).
The Spadena House continues to be privately owned but visitors can take photos outside. If you plan to stop by, please remember to be respectful and to not trespass onto private property.
Spadena House (aka the Witches House) in Beverly Hills, California -
The Sanderson Sisters Cottage from Hocus Pocus
That concludes my tour of the LA shooting locations from Hocus Pocus. I hope you found this post interesting. If you know of any additional filming locations throughout the Los Angeles area, please drop a comment below.
For even more Hocus Pocus fun, check out these filming locations from Salem, MA.
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loved reading this post and seeing all the LA spots where the movie was filmed!