Visit the Filming Locations from Hocus Pocus – Pt. 2
Visiting the Hocus Pocus filming locations throughout Los Angeles has really inspired me to continue going down the rabbit hole of real-life places from this movie. So I decided to keep the party going with a little overview of the Salem, MA filming locations from Hocus Pocus. While I have yet to visit these places personally, I am already planning a trip to the East Coast as soon as this pandemic gets under control at bit more!
As you can imagine, the majority of exterior filming on this film took place in Salem, Massachusetts. The only way to really bring a setting to life, is to film in said-location. And excitingly enough, all of these locations can still be seen today, some even with a special nod to the movie!
Thackery Binx House – Pioneer Village
Address: 98 West Ave, Salem, MA
Details: Currently open Saturdays and Sundays from 12-4pm. Call (978) 744-8815 to confirm.
Pioneer Village is America’s first “living” history museum. It was originally built in 1930 as a set for a play but the community loved it so much, that they left the set as-is after the play was finished and the city of Salem deemed it “Salem Pioneer Village”.
Upon visitation today, one can expect to be transported back in time to the early days of the English settlers (the 1630s to be exact) – or Thackery Binx’s days (whichever you prefer). The village sits on 3 acres of land and includes lots of replica building including a blacksmith’s shop and many thatched roof cottages.
In celebration of the popularity of Hocus Pocus, you can now find a replica of Thackery Binx’s Bedroom and a small shrine to Winnie including a replica of her spell book.
Salem Pioneer Village in Massachusetts -
Thackery Binx’s House in Hocus Pocus
Opening Flyover Sequence – Plimoth Plantation
Address: 137 Warren Ave, Plymouth, MA
Details: Open 7 days a week from 9am-5pm. Call (508) 746-1622 to confirm.
Believe it or not, there is actually a second living history museum in the Massachusetts area and many people get this one confused with Pioneer Village as the setting of Thackery Binx and the witches’ cottage in Hocus Pocus. In fact, this colonial representation of Massachusetts was actually only used for the aerial shots in the film. But if you want to get a little more of a taste of colonial living, then this is definitely worth a visit.
Opening Credits from Hocus Pocus -
Plimoth Plantation in Plymouth, Massachusetts
Dani & Max’s House – 4 Ocean Ave
Address: 4 Ocean Ave, Salem, MA
Details: Private residence. Do not trespass.
The house used as the setting for Max and Dani’s home can be found at 4 Ocean Ave. This is a private residence and does not allow house tours. That said, it’s still cool to be able to see the outside and image yourself living in picturesque Salem in the 1990s. Better yet, why not go trick or treating around this area on Halloween?!
Max & Dani’s House in Hocus Pocus -
4 Ocean Ave
Exterior of Alison’s House – Ropes Mansion & Gardens
Address: 318 Essex St, Salem, MA
Details: Currently closed due to Covid. Call (978) 745-9500 for information on its reopening.
All of the exterior shots of Alison’s home were shot at the Ropes Mansion. This historic colonial mansion was built in the late 1720s and is now one of a few houses in the McIntire Historic District that is open to the public. The house has changed several owners since the 1700s, but most notable is Judge Nathaniel Ropes after whom the house is named.
Ropes Mansion & Gardens in Salem -
Alison’s House in Hocus Pocus
Cemetery Scenes – Old Burial Hill Cemetery
Address: Orne Street Marblehead, Essex County, MA
Details: Open to the public 7 days a week
All of the daytime cemetery scenes in Hocus Pocus were filmed in the Old Burial Hill Cemetery. Founded in 1638, this historic cemetery holds many historic Puritan gravestones. It also contains the remains of a victim from the Salem Witch Trials. The location is home to some beautiful scenic vistas of Marblehead Harbor and Salem Sound that may remind you of the film as well.
Old Burial Hill Cemetery in Salem -
Max in the Cemetery, Hocus Pocus
Exterior of Max & Alison’s High School – Phillips Elementary School
Address: 56 S. Washington Square, Salem, MA
Details: Commercial Building
The exterior shots of Jacob Bailey High School were all filmed at Phillips Elementary School located in Washington Square. While the school itself is no longer in operation, the building is still standing.
Phillips Elementary School in Salem -
John Bailey High School in Hocus Pocus
Salem Commons – 30 Washington Sq.
Address: 30 Washington Sq., Salem, MA
Details: Public park across the street from “Phillips Elementary School”
Cross the street from Philips Elementary School is Washington Square. This is where filmmakers shot some of the exterior common area conversations between Alison and Max. Hang out in this park for a bit and image what is would have been like to live in Salem during this time.
Washington Square in Salem (photo credit: Google Maps) -
Washington Square in Hocus Pocus
Town Halloween Party – Old Town Hall
Address: 32 Derby Square, Salem, MA 01970
Details: Rentable space. Contact Salem City Hall (978) 745-9595 for more information regarding touring the building.
The Old Town Hall is the earliest surviving municipal structure in Salem, Massachusetts (dating back to 1816-17). It was used for both the exterior and interior Halloween dance scenes in Hocus Pocus. Producers used the large space on the second floor to host the party (which tracks with the purple lights from the upper windows in the film). This building is open to the public, with the bottom floor used as a public art space.
Party-goers arrive to the Town Hall in Hocus Pocus -
Exterior of the Old Town Hall in Salem
Hocus Pocus Dance Party! -
Interior space of the Old Town Hall in Salem
Life-Size Figure of Winifred Sanderson – Count Orlok’s Nightmare Gallery
Address: 217 Essex Street
Details: Open Mon-Sat: 10am-6pm & Sun: 10am-5pm. Call to confirm at (978) 740-0500.
While this museum was not featured in the filming of Hocus Pocus, it is home to an impressive figure of Winifred Sanderson, portrayed in the film by Bette Midler. Count Orlok’s is located at 217 Essex Street and is open as a museum and haunted house throughout the summer and October months.
The Witch House at Salem
Address: 310 Essex St, Salem, MA
Details: Open daily from 10am-4:40pm. Call (978) 744-8815 for more details.
If you want to take your trip beyond the filming locations of Hocus Pocus, consider checking out “The Witch House”. The Salem witch trials of the 1690s are tied to this historic building.

The Witches House Salem
That’s all for the real-life Salem filming locations from Hocus Pocus. If you know of any additional places, please leave them in the comments below. Hopefully this has adequately inspired you to, at the very least, re-watch this Halloween classic!
If you missed it, be sure to check out part 1 of this article with all of the Los Angeles filming locations!